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Providing beauty services for over 26 years | Give our friendly team a call on 02 6299 5792

Inferred/Red/Blue Therapy Bed


How Light Helps Our Body

Most know how the body responds to ultraviolet light by producing Vitamin D. Each colour penetrates the body to different depths, and each has its own physical benefits to the body, whether infra-red, red, blue or green. However the research did show very clearly that as red light nears the end of its band, ie 660nm, the rate of cellular regeneration increased dramatically resulting in rapid generalised tissue repair. LED applied light has been shown to improve acute healing time by up to 5 time over and scientific research on LED use in chronic conditions showed that it stimulated cellular regeneration and repair.

Red light in LED form has been shown in studies to stimulate healing, reduce pain and inflammation plus many more amazing and beneficial health impacts when absorbed by the body. It has been found that red light penetrates the body from a depth of 10mm to 40mm making it extremely effective for treating vital organs, blood disorders and encouraging relief for bine and joint pain tissue disorders and deep muscle pain and tesion.

Research showed that red LED light near 630nm is particularly effective for treatment of 'close to the surface' body problems such as wounds, cuts, cars triggers and acupuncture points and infections. At 700nm wavelength, the red light LED can promote tissue repair, stimulate healing and pain relief in organs, bones, joints and deep muscles, making it the perfect addition for those wanting to address their health issues in a natural non-invasive way.

NASA originally developed it for plant growth in space in the 90s and found promising results. A continuous beam quietens your cells which gives them time to relax and rest, resulting in significant pain relief due to the reduced inflammation and relaxation in the cells and muscles. It was tested on the effects of skin cancer and later tested to show the effects of laser light on the wound healing process.

LED Light Therapy Is Used To Treat:

Skin Conditions

Back Pain

Oral Health

Oral Pain

Brain Health

Mood Elevation

Hair Loss

Joint Pain

Muscle Fatigue


Skin Infections

Thyroid (under active)

Wound Healing

Joint Inflammation

Nerve Pain

Blood Health

Fluid Retention

Improved Metabolism

Ear Ache

Facial Redness

Skin Rejuvenation

Bone Health

Organ Health

Epidermal Tumors

Menstrual Pain

Adrenal Disorders

Neurological Issues


Immune Strength

Tendon, Ligament and Cartilage Damage

Skin Conditions

Back Pain

Oral Health

Oral Pain

Brain Health

Mood Elevation

Hair Loss

Joint Pain

Muscle Fatigue


Skin Infections

Thyroid (under active)

Wound Healing

Joint Inflammation

Nerve Pain

Blood Health

Fluid Retention

Improved Metabolism

Ear Ache

Facial Redness

Skin Rejuvenation

Bone Health

Organ Health

Epidermal Tumors

Menstrual Pain

Adrenal Disorders

Menstrual Pain

Adrenal Disorders

Neurological Issues


Immune Strength

Tendon, Ligament and Cartilage Damage

Introduction Offer

4 sessions approximately 20 minutes each


LED Infared/ Blue, Red Light Bed

Takes approximately 20 minutes


10 Pack Session Each

Takes approximately 20 minutes


20 Session Each LED

Takes approximately 20 minutes


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